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Auteur Sujet: MG Chine  (Lu 253738 fois)


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  • Un speedster sous 18 mois ???
MG Chine
« Réponse #165 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 00:36:59 »

Le reportage est nettement à l'avantage de la NAC dès le début, présenté comme "le constructeur chinois qui fait déjà trembler les constructeurs européens"...

Ca n'est pas avec du "réchauffé" de 75, 25 ou MG F/TF que la NAC risque de prendre des parts de marché aux constructeurs européen. Pour que les cosntructeurs européens tremblent, encore faudrait-il que MG version chinoise propose de véritable nouveauté.
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MG Chine
« Réponse #166 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 00:59:30 »

Ca n'est pas avec du "réchauffé" de 75, 25 ou MG F/TF que la NAC risque de prendre des parts de marché aux constructeurs européen. Pour que les cosntructeurs européens tremblent, encore faudrait-il que MG version chinoise propose de véritable nouveauté.
oui, la partie est loin d'être gagnée pour les chinois, mais il faut envisager les choses sur une quinzaine d'année et là ceux qui rigolent actuellement ont une courte vue, les chinois progressent très vite...
La marque MG n'est qu'une vitrine pour les chinois, ils veulent s' implanter en Europe et aux Etats-Unis avec leurs propres marques, ce plan est piloté par Pékin et soutenu fiancièrement par la Banque de Chine.
Pour la production des MG, elle restera délibérément limitée (prestige oblige),les futurs modèles MG sont officiellement déjà fixés pour les 5 ans à venir, donc le réchauffé n'est qu'une manière de rentabiliser les actifs de MG ROVER achetés en 2005...jusqu'en 2008. Une fois que les chinois auront acquis une certaine crédibilité avec MG, là l'autre phase du plan va commencer :rainbowafro:       
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  • Un speedster sous 18 mois ???
MG Chine
« Réponse #167 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 07:04:55 »

oui, la partie est loin d'être gagnée pour les chinois, mais il faut envisager les choses sur une quinzaine d'année et là ceux qui rigolent actuellement ont une courte vue, les chinois progressent très vite...

La malheureusement, je te rejoins  :(     Que restera t-il de l'automobile européenne et plus particulièrement exagonale à cette échéance ?  Pour ceux qui travaille dans ce secteur, les lendemains s'annoncent douloureux. :(

Quand les chinois se seront définitivement hissé au niveau de la sécurité, développé de véritable modèle avec leur propre identité, tout ca pour 20 à 30% moins cher qu'aujourd'hui, le seuil psychologique "je n'achète pas chinois" aura sauté.  Et puis après les chinois débarquera l'inde  :(

Bref, autant se reconvertir dès maintenant  :(
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MG Chine
« Réponse #168 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 08:03:46 »

La malheureusement, je te rejoins  :(     Que restera t-il de l'automobile européenne et plus particulièrement exagonale à cette échéance ?  Pour ceux qui travaille dans ce secteur, les lendemains s'annoncent douloureux. :(

Quand les chinois se seront définitivement hissé au niveau de la sécurité, développé de véritable modèle avec leur propre identité, tout ca pour 20 à 30% moins cher qu'aujourd'hui, le seuil psychologique "je n'achète pas chinois" aura sauté.  Et puis après les chinois débarquera l'inde  :(

Bref, autant se reconvertir dès maintenant  :(

il faut savoir que les prevision donne la chine comme 1er constructeur mondial dici 12 a 15 ans


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MG Chine
« Réponse #169 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 09:21:08 »

Que restera t-il de l'automobile européenne et plus particulièrement exagonale à cette échéance ?
Il n'en reste déjà plus grand chose. Ils font de la merde à grande échelle, et les français s'en rendent compte... C'est pour ça que les 3 constructeurs français perdent chaque pour des parts de marché. Et avec l'arrivée de la Chine, ça ne va pas s'arranger pour eux.

En France, on vit uniquement sur nos acquis. Encore une belle preuve !
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MG Chine
« Réponse #170 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 13:24:55 »

Il n'en reste déjà plus grand chose. Ils font de la merde à grande échelle, et les français s'en rendent compte... C'est pour ça que les 3 constructeurs français perdent chaque pour des parts de marché. Et avec l'arrivée de la Chine, ça ne va pas s'arranger pour eux.

En France, on vit uniquement sur nos acquis. Encore une belle preuve !

Et ca reste encore bien rentable :roll2: donc pourquoi se faire chier.
« Modifié: 31 Octobre 2007, 16:48:42 par damienu »
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MG Chine
« Réponse #171 le: 31 Octobre 2007, 16:00:24 »

Encore un article sur nos belles sino-anglaises (un gros doute sur la puissance de la MG 7L) "Assemblée en Chine depuis mars 2007 par Nanjing (cf. revue de presse du 9/3/07), la berline MG7 (une version de la Rover 75) est disponible en deux longueurs d’empattement. Le modèle le plus long, baptisé MG7L, est doté d’un moteur V6 de 2,5 l développant 240 ch, l’autre, plus court, reçoit un organe de 1,8 l et 160 ch développé avec Lotus Engineering pour répondre aux normes européennes Euro-4. Le constructeur chinois prévoit d’exporter prochainement les MG7 et MG7L aux Etats-Unis et en Europe."
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MG Chine
« Réponse #172 le: 01 Novembre 2007, 22:17:09 »

Interview de Yang Jun Hu, un des directeur général de NAC MG :
En résumé :
-si les ventes de la MG 7 s'élèvent aujourd'hui à plus de 2000 unités pour le marché chinois (après 2 mois de commercialisation), NAC MG a déjà élaboré un plan pour accroître la productivité avec comme horizon les 200 000 unités/an afin de répondre à la demande.   
-apparemment, à la fin de cette interview, il parle de la production à Longbridge dont l'objectif est de 50 000 voitures dès 2009  puis 100 000 voitures  par an  pour 2010. 

Yang Jun Hu (NAC MG)

Source :

October 27, the Nanjing of Fujian Christopher British McNair 4S shop officially completed in Fuzhou, Nanjing This is the first batch of Christopher who opened the four S stores. Nanjing from the current nationwide Christopher opened the four S stores reached more than 40, and the end will have to reach 50 level 4S shops and 50 secondary goal. The face of the British to do strive for the car on behalf of the British car, the reporters countless curious interview with the Nanjing MG Automobile Company Limited, deputy general manager of sales Jun - Hu Yang, general manager of the company.

Productivity? Let engine, transmission, chassis deployment of the best

Reporter: The country has more than 2,000 total sales, but output still far failed to keep pace with demand. In Fuzhou, for example, may now be set to have to wait until next year to mention cars, in Nanjing were Christopher capacity planning in this area and are generally? Yang Jun Hu (hereinafter referred to Yang): At present most of the production lines were already possessed sufficient quantity, but also our engine production output has gone far beyond vehicle, which is that we have more capacity for rapid strength, but we are mainly in order to ensure the quality of all vehicles produced, in the production process continually debugging engine, chassis, a tacit agreement among the gearbox, the car Christopher strive to achieve the best of the matching results. If at this time the blind pursuit of production, it could lead to fluctuations in vehicle quality. We have already formulated a detailed plan, a production line with an annual output of 200,000 units in accordance with the standard, we middle classes (one day) around 50, the end, we will complete the middle classes (one day) 100 target. By next year, all aspects of adjustments to perfect and market needs and circumstances, we have full power to increase production.

Goals? To achieve the production and marketing 100,000 units of the British cars

Reporter: For just enter the Chinese market this year, the Nanjing MG, its market performance you what kind of goals and expectations?

Yang: We all know that China now has the department, the Department of Han, Tak Department, the Department of Law, Italy, and so the series of six cars, but also cars of the British not prevail, we have an idea: This year will be to become Britain's first year of the car, MG will become the British representative of the car as the goal of struggle . MG positions on the market were "affordable luxury", and it has therefore unlike other vehicles of the British people as elusive feeling. We hope no later than 2009, the MG to achieve sales 50,000 units, with this size, we can say that he is well-deserved of the British representatives of the car.

Farther to say to the plan, our objective is completed before 2010 annual sales 100,000 British units.
« Modifié: 02 Novembre 2007, 12:04:00 par perkins »
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MG Chine
« Réponse #173 le: 19 Novembre 2007, 21:48:30 »

Interview de  Yang Jun Hu, au Salon Auto de Guangzhou, directeur général des ventes de NAC MG (Chine) :

- la MG 3 sera disponible en Chine au début de l'année 2008 (premier quart)  : le prix n'a pas encore été communiqué officiellement mais il devrait être légèrement plus élevé que celui qui a été annoncé par certains médias. 
- la MG TF  sera lancée en décembre ou en début d'année 2008 
- NAC MG prépare le relancement de la marque MG sur les marchés principaux d'Europe, en se focalisant sur le Royaume-Uni, le  Portugal, l'Espagne, l'Allemagne et la France notamment.
-pour les ventes en Chine, l'objectif de cette année a été de construire un réseau de distributeurs sans objectif de vente déterminé mais  la MG 7 a rencontré un succès dès le premier mois de lancement en dépassant les 1000 achats. Aucun chiffre de vente  communiqué à ce jour. 

Source :

No. 5-Guangzhou International Motor Show
Time: November 19, 2007
Location: Guangzhou net automotive channel

Guests: South of steam MG Jun - Hu Yang, general manager of sales Christopher

Moderator: surfers, we Kazakhstan, today is November 19, Guangzhou Auto Show's media day today, we are honored invited Nanjing MG the company's total sales Jun - Hu Yang.

Jun - Hu Yang: Hello.

Moderator: The vast number of netizens in Guangzhou auto show netizens are very concerned about the problem, please Yang total netizens to explain, please tell us about your first exhibitors situation.

Jun - Hu Yang: Fellow netizens everyone, I am very happy in Guangzhou during the show to meet you, this time we participated in Guangzhou, Nanjing MG is the first time participate in the show, this time we have brought seven models, 7, cars In addition we have also brought with a MGA's classic cars, this classic cars about 50 of the past.

Moderator: There was general concern MG3 Can you tell us focus.

Jun - Hu Yang: We brought this name is Christopher MG3SW, English is the meaning of the wise men cities, or city Wizard meaning, as such a concept is also specially designed a model, the new model we are currently equipped with two of dynamic components, a 1.8 L engine, and we have a model equipped with a 1.4 L engine. Engine very competitive, I give an example in terms of the 1.4 L engine power is 76 kilowatts, the automobile market in China is far above, as MG3SW一款model is the concept of cross-border model, the reason that the cross-pieces, because it is not only a relief model of the fashion sense of the double-box car, SUV and also that the city modeling style, in addition I have said there are two dynamic composition with the outside. At the same time this is the car is a deputy car driving, which is in the luxury car or a luxury car in the car above only able to ground shock transfer out very evenly, so this is a very high increase, we intuitive the top can be seen in a 16-inch aluminum alloy 2.50 of a flat space than ordinary car tires twice the obvious, and used four-wheel - Pai, of course, appearance, etc. These are SUV with the fashion sense with these from another also demonstrated at the British vehicle standards in the high-tech requirements, but also to our MG name through his Christopher technology, we passion, pleasure fashion personality, and better support the parent brand, by the end of 2007 we came up with a consumer those very attractive car.

Moderator: in the car when introduced.

Jun - Hu Yang: expected next quarter, the Shenzhen market.

Moderator: the consumer-oriented price range is the type of crowd?

Jun - Hu Yang: prices have not yet been announced, I think it is slightly higher than the current price MG mainstream models because of the technical characteristics of a better, more personalized design concepts. Consumer mainstream crowd were Christopher MG3 target customer base is constantly challenged the young, MG7 is some successful people have a car, are changed cars, but the name Jue MG3SW speaking, the same personality at the crowd, but more will young some of that may also be subject to the purchase of vehicles, the heart is full of passion, the pursuit of fashion comparison, personality, a group of young people the spirit of challenge.

Moderator: We are very concerned about sports, TF plan when launched.

Jun - Hu Yang: Christopher MGTF of the automobile market in China is very beautiful products, we originally planned in October to do a release, but because some of the reasons to do some adjustments, the specific timing should be the end of this year or early next year, all products conditions, including conditions of some shops in the country all conditions are ready, we know that we in the United Kingdom Longbridge original production base, we not only restore MGTF the car, so the whole foreign whether the government or the media, trade unions and so on, where are we in the production they are very concerned about, but also taking into account the overall interests of the entire international, we have to do something domestic market adjustment, put an inferior race to shorten the time gap.

Because of this product to the United Kingdom, although we in the United Kingdom for various technical certification of a better, but because some of the goals should be sent to China some time adjustment needs to be done, despite all kinds of certificates are obtained, environmental indicators also passed the Act , but in the UK car manufacturing such a product, many of the logistics work is to be prepared.

Moderator: should be early next year.

Jun - Hu Yang: December or next January or so.

Moderator: With the Listing of new products, most recently the end of the beginning of the introduction of new products, product line also has become increasingly diverse, how do you think the overseas market?

Jun - Hu Yang: We open up overseas markets based on the British bases, the United Kingdom as a base for the South in terms of steam is to develop and market position in the forefront of the European market and frontier, the main function is to complete the formalities in the name Christopher is in product development Britain, as Europe is in the forefront of bridgehead, the British also hope that as you resume production there more to stimulate employment rate, but as our positioning is China-based manufacturing, Britain is only done some ancillary manufacturing, not to a large number of manufacturers on such a developed country, this is unreasonable, but in R & D and marketing in the United Kingdom, so the whole process of the internationalization of the market is mainly British, the British market by the British-made, but also made in China the vehicle sales to Britain.

At the same time in the United Kingdom-core on the basis of our first step in the advance of the main European markets, we focus on in Spain, Portugal, Germany, France following the original MG  markets were retained quite big, or strong brand influence country.

We were  MG open up overseas markets, particularly Europe and exploring the market are mainly based on the MG development.

Moderator: vast numbers of netizens are still very concerned about the current domestic sales and marketing network building.

Jun - Hu Yang: We planned this forward, we have identified so far dealer with 56, that is to say our country's major cities, especially in some of the more developed cities in economic outlets all the more perfect layout, for example, like Guangdong we completed the five outlets of distribution, and sales have been opened, the end of this year we will further enhance few outlets to satisfy our consumers the convenience and car service convenience.

Moderator: Christopher were listed after the sale how? Whether we can accomplish this goal.

Jun - Hu Yang: MG speaking for WG this year were the main task is to build sales brands, because we August 28 listed first models MG7, this is a 1.8 product, as such a product should be said is the first initial listing a product or weaker, and we August 28 listing, September is National distributors have opened in October is the first month of the achievement of our sales, our sales in the first month pushed inside breaking 1000, we think that some of our outlets, this is the case at present compared differences in a single case, to have such a performance is very satisfactory, and the manufacturers in Guangdong other than our vector is doubling. MG7 listed in the product line relatively narrow circumstances, the formation is a very good sales, we also feel that China's consumers to Britain or the British style cars acceptance or very good, as we TF, MG3 listing next year is the wealth of our products very year, we will launch 256 V version of the standard, there are some automatic version, we will further strengthen our MG7L2.5V manual stalls and自动档travel, MG3 standard version equipped with 1.4 L and 1.8 L, MGTF 180 L, in addition to manipulation models equipped with a short trip, CVG also equipped with automatic control models, so the end of next year we will have a very big product changes, we will form the outbreak of sales, from current consumption situation, we have formed a very good reputation, the car driving force good, very fuel efficient.

Moderator: Many netizens around me changes of time, told me that there was a will consider the name of MG cars, appearance, and his brand of cultural content consumers are very favorite. Next year, your sales target?

Jun - Hu Yang: Because it is not the end of the year, so that is not easy, final sales has not yet been determined, including the structure of our products will be adjusted.

Moderator: Because of time, on this chat This is the end, very grateful for the presence of Yang, also very grateful to the concerns of the broad masses of netizens.

Jun - Hu Yang: Thank you netizens.
« Modifié: 19 Novembre 2007, 22:03:55 par perkins »
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MG Chine
« Réponse #174 le: 20 Novembre 2007, 12:19:11 »

Intéressantes ces déclarations, mais comment ne pas etre inquiet, suite aux sujets de Chinacartimes et autres blogs, sur les difficultés de MG. Les chiffres de ventes sont approximatifs, les dates de lancement sont évasifs, tout va bien pour Nac mais .... :o
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MG Chine
« Réponse #175 le: 20 Novembre 2007, 18:34:00 »

Intéressantes ces déclarations, mais comment ne pas etre inquiet, suite aux sujets de Chinacartimes et autres blogs, sur les difficultés de MG. Les chiffres de ventes sont approximatifs, les dates de lancement sont évasifs, tout va bien pour Nac mais .... :o

Zhang Xin (NAC MG)

Les chinois ont une certaines culture de la censure...En tous cas Zhang Xin a affirmé au Salon Auto de Guanghzou qu'il ne voulait pas dévoiler de chiffres  précis pour le moment, mais il  a dit qu'ils étaient en train de discuter avec leurs partenaires et fournisseurs afin de planifier la production : il estime que le chiffre de 30 000 MG 3 vendues  l'année prochaine (en Chine)  serait déjà un premier stade important. 
Source : 19 /11/2007
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MG Chine
« Réponse #176 le: 22 Novembre 2007, 21:05:55 »

Sur le stand de MG,  la MGA exposée au salon Automobile de Guangzhou (19/11-25/11/2007) :

« Modifié: 22 Novembre 2007, 21:08:38 par perkins »
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MG Chine
« Réponse #177 le: 22 Novembre 2007, 21:27:54 »

Les déclarations de Zhang Xin au Salon automobile de Guangzhou :
- NAC MG a déjà fixé les modèles produits dans les 3 années à venir
- la MG 3 autour de l'équivalent de 11 180 euros pour le marché chinois
- il annonce 5 modèles pour l'Europe (!)
- le développement des moteurs hybrides
- la coopération entre NAC et SAIC est comme "la glace sur le gâteau"

  Zhang  Xin (NAC MG)

Source : 21/11/2007
(traduction anglaise par logiciel )

"The fifth show in Guangzhou in Guangzhou, the major manufacturers carry its brand landing Guangzhou to participate in this event. For the MG of British descent Christopher has also brought its wholly-line brands, of which MG3 SW is the first appearance in front of consumers. Against MG3 SW models, as well as issues related to the current development of Nanjing some conditions, Sohu car on November 19 in Guangzhou Auto Show, interviewed a group vice president of Nanjing, Nanjing MG Zhang Xin, general manager of Mr. Christopher.

A Jue 3 Series price range 8-12 million

When asked recently who Jue 3 of the price range, said Zhang Xin Jue 3 lines were now the price range should be set at 8-12 million. This can not help but to feel for the author said this price range and Sohu exclusive automotive recent exposure of 7.18 - 111800 very close, and the difference is almost negligible amount. Zhang Xin of the clear-cut stand, so that we can conclude that the exposure of Sohu car Jue 3 Series 718 - 111800 price will be very close to its ultimate price.

For the car time-to-market, Zhang expressed the hope to be thrown around the Spring Festival market, and against competitors lock for the public CROSSOVER, its main point of competition in the fuel consumption will make a fuss about, that the concept of confrontation with low fuel consumption high the German fuel consumption of cars, win market favor.

MG Jue not too early to put a new energy products

The increasing development and growth for the new energy market development, Zhang said that MG would not, as early as Dongfeng Honda cars will be new energy into the market, he believed that a market awareness of the product and product markets mature, the need for a a long stage, MG input from most of the new energy market plan will look at the car market for energy and motor vehicles authorized the purchasing power of the timely development of new energy input, but the current MG to inject new energy, Zhang Xin said in the British hybrid vehicles has been completed research and development. The next question that the entire auto market truly entered a new energy era, new energy, the car strife of war T will be the first hybrid wrote.

The South cooperation for the two enterprises play the role of gilding the lily

For South cooperation on the issue and progress, he said the only acceptable link to the audit, also after some of the processes that must be taken before the final gavel on the South reached the really significant cooperation. When asked about the South cooperation after the specific development, Zhang said the two are on the southbound direction of development of further cooperation, and believe that the cooperation will be two two enterprises play is the icing on the cake for the role of the complementary advantages and disadvantages brand operation.

So far two plans for cooperation, Zhang said: "The next three years of product planning, will certainly add a new energy, add new models, including the EU-4, Europe 5 models, new opportunities for development will be a lot. order to smooth the two will be demonstrated by the regional advantages and enhance its international competitiveness, cooperation, the two market hegemony goal is not only to the Chinese market, to more development to the United Kingdom market, the German market, and so on. " It seems the name Jue 3 the emergence of the formal opening of the British car to challenge Germany of the prelude.

Economic fuel consumption will be the pursuit of the focus increasingly Christopher

Suv relative to the development of the automobile market, everyone is still only small groups acceptable; auto market after the displacement of small cars will surely become mainstream, on the development of the car will become a model for the development of the world automobile industry. Most of the MG name terms of fuel consumption believe that the economy will be growing Christopher pursuit of the focus of small displacement car market, MG Christopher will go with the tide of follow-up small displacement cars, he said this is the pursuit of the world the trend, the United States is also moving from the era of emission vehicles into small displacement car economic times."
« Modifié: 22 Novembre 2007, 21:46:59 par perkins »
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MG Chine
« Réponse #178 le: 23 Novembre 2007, 18:18:46 »

Merci Nicolas, mais des déclarations comme ça, y en a eu des tas (TF Coupé, retour aux states, Usine en russie etc ....), j'attends la suite et j'espère ... (en tant que reveur....) :)
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MG Chine
« Réponse #179 le: 23 Novembre 2007, 18:38:52 »

Merci Nicolas, mais des déclarations comme ça, y en a eu des tas (TF Coupé, retour aux states, Usine en russie etc ....), j'attends la suite et j'espère ... (en tant que reveur....) :)
Oui pour l'instant beaucoup de déclarations et pour les européens l'attente est longue, mais les chinois ont de sérieux atouts et ne font pas les choses sans ordre ni précautions. Leur lenteur est toute relative, car les opérations en Chine avancent bien. Pour nous le problème est de savoir si les prochains modéles conserveront leur caractère britannique et s'ils seront  suffisamment attractifs, je parle de ceux qui sont susceptibles d'être assemblés à Longbridge et qui donneront peut-être une certaine crédibilité aux posesseurs de l'héritage prestigieux de nos marques préférées. Au fait,  le vice président de NAC MG , Zhang Xin, a promis de bonnes surprises pour l'année 2008.      :D
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